Crack sealing

C’Scellé is a seasoned pro at sealing cracks using a special treatment that delivers tremendous benefits by preventing water infiltration and pavement deterioration during freeze-thaw cycles. The municipal authorities that use this treatment save big, as roads require repaving less often.
Our processes make asphalt surfaces last longer. Preventive maintenance increases the service life of your asphalt by 3 to 5 years.
Two methods
The faster and more economical method, commonly called “blow and go,” consists of cleaning out cracks with a hot-air lance to remove debris and moisture inside the crack. Once the crack is cleaned and dried out, it is filled with a high quality product approved by Ministère des Transports du Québec. All products we use meet MTQ’s 4401 standard.
The second method starts with a different preparation. Cracks to be repaired are first milled or sawn to ensure consistency—in other words, they are enlarged and deepened. Then they are cleaned out with a hot-air lance, as in the first method, and filled with the same product. Milling is highly recommended for cracks less than 3 mm in width (microcracks), as well as those at intersections and traffic circles. This method costs more but is longer lasting.